Light Wars

Denby Sheather
9 min readFeb 18, 2021

There is a very deliberate assault being carried out against all light workers on the planet right now.

I say deliberate because it is. It is no coincidence — not just because coincidences don’t exist as we know — but because we are at a phase in this spiritual battle now, where the cracks are beginning to show and where many alliances that were solid in the past, are dissolving under the weight of our current “reality”.

All of this is directly related to what happened on December 21st of course. Here’s how.

The bifurcation of timelines on that date cemented an already obvious and budding divide within the collective. Those who were still on the fence, had to choose a side, to make a choice as to where they were going to place their energies and focus, for the next long while and that wasn’t an easy choice for most to make. Many don’t know that they even made a choice, but they did and they are now living it out via their daily circumstances, conversations and reactions to what shows up.

Both options come with a wide array of circumstances and 3D manifestations of their own — that’s obvious — and it should also be obvious to those working with energy, as to which expressions align with which choice. For example, does living in fear, wearing a mask, volunteering for an experimental vaxx-scene or submitting oneself to a life of control and restriction without question or fight, sound (or feel) like it calibrates with the frequencies of higher and lighter consciousnesses?

No, it doesn’t and there’s a good reason for that. Because it DOESN’T.

No matter how much you may want to change the intrinsic truth of anything that exists within the universe, you can’t. It’s either a cat OR it’s a dog, not a “cat-dog”. Inter-breeding and hybridization is crossing over into satanic territory and that folks, has zilch to do with creativity or the expression of true, original life force. That is all about replication, reinventing and inverting for the sake of desecration. Therefore, choosing to abide by particular guidelines that say they promote good health and safety and yet require one to cover up and deplete themselves of oxygen, account for their every move and live in a perpetual state of fear around other humans, is not in any way an embodiment of the energy expressions of love, self sovereignty or soul mastery.

What we are all witnessing and experiencing at present is the continued dismantling of the “wounded healer consciousness”.

When we have not done enough work on ourselves as individuals — whether we regard ourselves as “healers” or not — this unresolved energy will accumulate and then degenerate if it is not allowed to be seen, expressed and integrated. This then manifests in many merry forms, poverty consciousness being a big one.

The energy of poverty consciousness is sneaky, I know, I have wrestled with it myself on and off over the years, which is why I am sharing this now to assist you navigating it also, if you choose to pick this up of course. The energy of poverty consciousness is both inherited through our genetic bloodlines as well as manifested through our current timeline experiences, depending on the individual and what they are working on in this life. It is the energy of “lack” and “less than” and indicates that there are anxiety and survival issues that need addressing before one’s true abundance can be realized and received.

Dig beneath the surface of lack and less than and you will arrive at self worth and this is what I am speaking to today.

If you have not done the deep work on yourself — for years, not just a few months or over the course of a few weekend workshops — you will not have yet developed the next level energies of resilience, acceptance, accountability and conscious participation. There will always be some expression of doubt, worry that you are not good enough, popular enough or respected enough and that frequency will always lead you to either over-give or over-charge as you (unconsciously) attempt to get what you need for yourself, or, believe/state that you deserve, but are not yet authentically energetically aligned with.

What you are actually still grappling to accept is your OWN value and so you become obsessed with offering great value to others, whilst you deprive yourself of the same.

So how DO we help others without compromising our own human and spiritual integrity?


We recognize where we are denying or deluding ourselves and we stop being so worried about what other people think of us or even how they perceive the spiritual skills that WE know we have.

We start healing our own inner child as if this is the most important mission and relationship in life to us; because IT IS.

We stop being so fixated with becoming a social “influencer”, with being popular, with building massive multi-tiered platforms and followings and we start doing our daily work.

We stop taking selfies of every meal or every sunrise and we stop posting infamous quotes on Instagram that we don’t truly understand, let alone embody.

Above all, we stop with all the fcuking spiritual FLUFF and we get REAL about where we are at, what we are struggling with and how challenging our lives really are and we start applying everything we have packaged up so beautifully to seduce others with, to OURSELVES.

I understand that what I am saying here may trigger some, but the reality is, if you have not faced and embraced your shadow or lived through enough dark nights of the soul in your life, you are in no way qualified to take on anyone else’s demons. You will only risk harm in some form, to yourself and to them.

We are living through a spiritual war right now and whilst we each have a pivotal role to play, that does not mean we all have to do the exact same thing or even that we each possess equal amounts of “power” or ability. In a real 3D world battle, there are layers to any armed force or platoon, various degrees of responsibility, those who take care of the injured, those who feed the troops and those who are charged with making the tough calls when they’re needed. There is a ground crew, those who fight from the air, those who specialize in explosives, those who drive the getaway trucks and so on. Everyone plays a part and yet each one is different and this is why our diversity and differences should always be acknowledged and celebrated, in service to the greater good, not debated about or censored into extinction. That just weakens the group and leaves them all vulnerable to the real enemy.

We cannot however, be of any benefit or use, if we are nursing an injury, dragging extra baggage or freezing in fear every time we are called to the front line against our will. We each have to make a choice to either show up or throw up, to action the knowledge we have acquired from all the training we have done and to open our hearts and fire at will, or, abandon our mission and acquiesce under the pressure and risk being captured.

I’ve said this before: light workers need to be light WARRIORS at this point in time.

We need to stop erasing and then re-tracing our personal lines in the sand AS we naively tell ourselves that we are actually just being flexible, expansive, compromising to align with the “bigger picture” and becoming more spiritually aware. That is NOT what that is, that is gradual and conscious condoning of malevolence, of violence, and selling oneself out. That is the mind fooling the heart into compliance and the energy expression of this is SO subtle that you won’t even notice you’re doing it most of the time.

This time on earth was always going to involve a certain quotient of casualties, wars always do. It’s tragic, heart-breaking and not something that any compassionate human would wish upon another, but it is a reality of the situation. Gaia is up-leveling to 5D and She needs all beings on board the same train so humanity can rebuild and reboot as it is destined to.

Those souls who have chosen the darker timeline have done so with full awareness on some level. Whether we view their decisions as ignorant or anything else, it doesn’t matter because they are catalysts for us all, true “star seeds” if you will, because through their chosen embodiments and experiences, they are helping others to see beyond the illusions so they can step into more of their own power.

Who are we to dispute the possibility that the actions of one human fulfilling their purpose could end up being the exact stimulus needed for another’s awakening? Aren’t we all supposed to be “walking one another home?” and doesn’t that perspective fit in with the ancient prophecies more, than calling people “sheep”, “asleep” or any other swear word? I believe so.

Again, if we have done our dirty inner work and suffered and survived enough of our own trials and tribulations, the last thing we would ever wish on another human, would be a similar experience. You just don’t wish harm on another when you have been on the brink of death in some form yourself.

I believe it’s important to remember that we have all had multiple lifetimes where we have been both victor and victim, murderer, midwife and martyr and that this life now, is just another one in a series of experiences that we have chosen to experience. None is better or worse than the others, it just IS.

If we are to see things from the higher perspective and live from the 5D space whilst still on this earth, we need to be vigilant with our thoughts, our words, how we react to the news, to each other’s opinions and to whom/what and where, we give our energy to. We need to be watching ourselves, not others and certainly not the mainstream news. We need to ignore the fear porn stories and suggestive articles telling us what is going to happen, because that just drags us out of our center and into their world of lies and manipulation and once we are in that space, it’s really hard to pull yourself out.

Ultimately we need to know ourselves, our strengths and our weaknesses and be working with our own trauma first. If we can start anchoring ourselves in the light before we start taking on anyone else’s, in any capacity, I reckon we’ll get this ascension gig sorted in no time.

This is how things work after all; from the outer layers of being, inwards.

Imbalance and dis-ease ALL originate from the outer folds of our luminous energetic fields and then they eventually land in the physical cells to get our attention. This process can take years of course with debris in myriad forms, filtering through our causal, astral, emotional and mental bodies before arriving in our etheric and physical human sheaths.

How do we do this then?

I suggest we detach from all outcomes and allow everything to unfurl as it is divinely ordained to do. This includes letting our brothers and sisters express themselves as they feel too and to experience their karmic choices as they have chosen to. We observe ourselves as a participant within this matrix, this maze, this whatever you want to label it, and you strive to always take accountability for your part in it. Claim whatever remnants your individual imprint leaves or creates so that you reinforce the greater field, not weaken or widen it.

Then you can truly assist and hold space for another.

Loving allowance, all the way, and it starts with you doing you.


Denby Sheather is a renowned Australian yoga therapist, spiritual activist and energetic healer. Author of “Mana Yoga: Discovering your Yoga Nature”, she is all about activating your natural gifts and awakening your divine purpose. You can sign up for her free weekly astro-shamanic forecasts via her website and find her on Bitchute, Brand New Tube, Facebook and Telegram.



Denby Sheather

Denby Sheather is a renowned Australian yoga therapist, activist, shamanic healer and conscious writer. She is all about activating your sacred, natural powers.